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Disperse brown 27

Keywords:Digital printing dyes、Fine chemicals、New materials

Disperse Brown 27 is mainly used in transfer printing、inkjet printing、plastic masterbatch and other fields.The performance of its coloring can not be replaced by other pigments and dyes.

Technical Data:


Molecular Formula C17H17C13N4O2 Strength 400%
Molecular Formula 415.701 Water ≦1%
Appearance Purple Red Powder Conductivity ≤ 500μs/cm
Purity ≥ 94.0% ASH ≤ 0.5%
DC Approximation Degree of Fineness 20-60mesh
DH Approximation PH 5-7

Manganese(II) carbonate(Phosphating grade)

Normal chemical, stored in cool, dry and airiness place, avoid moisture, heat and decay. In transportation, avoid rain and sunlight. Load gently, no breakage. If fire, fight it with water, sand and fire fight machine.


Used for pesticide intermediates, warning gas.

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